Hello valued customer! This page details the average time scales of your shipments to the various countries in the Caribbean. We provide this information so that you can get an understanding of how long each order will take (on average) from the date cargo is collected from your home to the time it reaches the port of destination.
This data has been compiled from many years of service we have given to our valued customers so we take pride in delivering accurate information as well as great service to you all.
Be it barrels or containers we’ll ship your cargo to your desired location in an efficient and safe manner.
Based on the data compiled from 4 years of sales reaching back from 2020 we can confidently say that from the time we pick up your cargo at your home to the time it departs the port in London to this will be around 2 weeks on average.
From the date the cargo departs the port in London and heads to Saint Lucia this will take around another 2 weeks to reach the port.
This is an average of 4 weeks in total from collection to delivery at the port of Castries.
Our predictions of the sailing & arrival dates for when the cargo reaches the port usually lie within 1-2 days of the expected arrival date so we are typically very accurate with our predictions. The safety of your cargo can be rest assured with us as we always seek to deliver excellence with our shipping.
St Lucia is part of the windward islands chain which forms the boundary between the Atlantic ocean and the Caribbean sea. Castries is the capital of St Lucia and is also the largest city on the island. The French founded Castries in 1650 naming it “carenage” which means “safe anchorage” in reference to the city’s deep water port.
Th actual name of “Castries” was adopted in 1756 in honour of Charles Eugene Gabriel de la croix due to the French establishing an agreement with the Caribbean natives that allowed for more European settlement on the island. In 1814 the British took permanent control of the island making Castries the major naval port in the region over the next three decades.
The port of Castries was one of the biggest harbours large enough to accommodate even warships though today it’s used to accommodate import and exportation of foods, machinery, household items etc
we are 100% accurate with our estimated time of arrival prediction. If you need information of our release agent for Saint Lucia click this link here.
We are satisfied that our estimated time of arrivals are above and beyond our competition so with this excellent service we provide we strongly encourage you to book your order online now
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